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The role of woven bag printing

Date:2018-06-16 Click:0
Woven bags not only play the role of packaging products, but also play a role in conveying information for the packaged products. Therefore, we must pay special attention to the information we want to convey when we wrap bags. Let the small series introduce you to woven bag packaging. Elements must pay attention to those points!
1. Trademarks or brands: Trademarks or brands are the most important components of a package and should occupy a prominent position in the package as a whole.
2. Package Color: Color is the most stimulating component of sales in packaging. Highlighting the combination of shades of merchandise characteristics not only enhances brand features, but also has a strong appeal to customers.
3, packaging patterns: the pattern in the package as the advertising screen, its importance and indispensability is self-evident.
4, the shape of the package: the appropriate shape of the package is conducive to storage and display, but also conducive to product sales, therefore, the shape of the package is an indispensable combination of elements.